Kay Dared to Invent – Dare to Watch!

Mr. Davison, our Inventionland creationeers and one of our clients are back at it in tonight’s “Dare to Invent” webisode! This week’s episode features Michigan inventor, Kay, and her Pugz Shoes! For our client, Kay, and her two Shelties, Autumn Angel and Rough Spot, taking a December trot in the snow, with her neighbor, Janice, …
Read more“App”solutley Awesome Inventionland Article for iPads!

Call it creativity gone digital, our “world’s most creative workspace” has been featured in Project Magazine, “the world’s first native iPad magazine!” According to their website, Project Magazine’s core subjects are international design, innovation, science, fashion and business… we’d say Inventionland fits right in! The Inventionland article, which appears in the magazine’s 10th issue, features …
Read moreInventionland Debuts on German TV!

“America’s Largest Invention Factory” is making international headlines again! This time, the host of a popular German television show, “Galileo,” toured Inventionland to see the “world’s most creative workspace” for himself! The host’s tour appeared as a segment called “Bildgeschichte Inventionland” on the German TV show and on their website! So, what did “Bildgeschichte Inventionland” (or …
Read more“Rockin” Celeb Reviews “Inventionland” Reality TV Special

To say we had a “rockin eve” after we received this next message would be MAJOR understatement! After a certain, very famous entertainment icon got a glimpse of the History Channel’s “Inventionland” reality TV special, which we are proud to say we had a hand in helping with, he had some very encouraging words! We …
Read more“Good Morning,” Davison Designs, So Glad to See You “Today!”

Recently, we announced that our client, Jean’s, Meatball Baker, which offers a healthy alternative to greasy meatballs, was featured in the most recent Avon catalog and at shopavon.com. It turns out, that great news was just the first bit of excitement the Meatball Baker has been cooking up lately! Nearly as soon as we heard …
Read more“Meatball Queen” Becomes “Avon Lady!”

We knew when our client, “Jean, Jean – the Meatball Queen,” came to us with her idea for a way to make healthier, less-greasy meatballs, she was definitely on to something. Now, we’re finding out just how “on” she was… Jean is AVON! Well, at least her Meatball Baker is! That’s right, in the most …
Read more“Workplace Wonderland” Inspires Internationally!

Recently, the Wall Street Journal published an article called “Workplace Wonderland,” which featured our creative workplace, Inventionland, and our CEO and founder, Mr. Davison! Since the article was published, the United Inventors Association of America and Yahoo! Finance both republished the Journal’s post! This morning, we’ve got a special message from our CEO and founder, …
Read moreLinked in to Local and World-Wide Media!

While you’ve been out preparing for all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you may have missed some awesome media exposure that we’ve received! Recently, Mr. Davison was the guest of honor on The Pittsburgh Technology Council’s Tech Vibe Radio. In case you missed the informative broadcast, it’s now available online! In the 12-minute …
Read moreKid Tested, Perfect Pizza Pan Approved!

Some of the toughest critics have chosen to put a Davison-designed product to the test. This time it was a reader from Ingredient, “a magazine for kids curious about food,” who did a slice-by-slice examination of The Original Perfect Pizza Pan. You may recall, the Perfect Pizza Pan was invented by none other than our …
Read moreArea Park Project Hopes to Surge to Successful Fundraising Finish!

We’ve recently heard about an area community project that could use a shot in the arm – and fast! There is an organized, grassroots campaign to acquire the Aspinwall Marina near Pittsburgh and turn it into a community park. The campaign, referred to as The Aspinwall Riverfront Park Project, is working in coordination with Aspinwall …
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