Three Ways Davison Works to Get Inventions Licensed

Since 1989, Davison® has helped idea people turn their ideas into new products using our nine-step method that has proven to be A better way to invent®. For over twenty-five years, people have trusted our team of professionals to work through their ideas and hopefully get them to a stage where new inventions and innovations can be …
Read moreStart your Journey with the Decision to Try

Every day, we are faced with a multitude of decisions. From the simplest, like what shoes you’ll wear that day, to the more difficult decisions, like deciding if today is the day that you’ll take the steps to chase after your dreams. As the clock ticks on, we are constantly uncovering answers to questions. Deciding …
Read moreHollywood Celebrities Innovate with Davison

At Davison, we take pride in helping many aspiring inventors fine-tune their invention ideas and turn them into new products. As we bring ideas through our product development process, our dedicated team and clients both hope for product success. With the help of our licensing department, Davison has moved new products into more than 1,200 …
Read moreYou’ll Want to Sit Down for This…

In previous blogs, we talked about the idea of failing forward and not letting failure derail your progress. Our very own founder and CEO George Davison is a testament to this notion as he stayed persistent after the failed invention of his toothbrush sanitizer idea. Though failure could have stopped him in his tracks, he …
Read moreStart National Inventors Month with these Five Quotes

National Inventors Month is underway and we’re starting this month-long celebration off with some motivation – after all, it is Monday! So, what exactly does National Inventors Month entail? The month of May is reserved for the celebration of invention and creativity, which began in 1998 by the United Inventors Association of the USA (UIA-USA), …
Read moreWhat Are Our Clients Saying?

As a company that’s committed to helping innovative people take their ideas and turn their dreams into reality, we’re always looking for better ways to help our clients. What has proven to be one of the most valuable means to better serve our clients is the feedback that we receive from the people who have …
Read moreApp Ideas From Clients Go Through the Davison Inventing Method & Onto the App Store

In case you missed it, Davison recently evolved our development services by bringing the design and creation of app ideas to an exciting new level. Now, idea people are being encouraged to not only safely submit their tangible invention ideas, but their new mobile app ideas as well! In a previous blog, we featured two …
Read moreThis Positivity is Contagious
Having a Bad Day? It’s National Look on the Bright Side Day!

Pursuing your invention dream is much like a rollercoaster. It’s filled with ups and downs, as well as twists and turns. With that being said, there are different parts of the process where you’ll be traveling at high speeds and others when it feels like you’re slowly climbing up a hill. It’s the latter point …
Read moreWalt Disney Invented What?

Ideas can be big or small, crazy or conservative, out-of-this-world or practical. Whatever it may be, an idea is an idea! If you think that your invention idea is too off-the-wall to ever be created, let us fill you in on a magical secret… even Walt Disney, one of the most creative people in history, …
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