A Safe Way to Store Food

Kat Nouri would prepare nutritious lunches for her children, bring her own lunch to work, and was extremely dedicated to purchasing hormone-free, healthy foods. Like many health-conscious people, Nouri wasn’t only concerned about what she was putting into her body, she was also concerned about the impact her decisions had on our environment. Given the …
Read moreThe Next Generation of Scooters

Remember the good old days childhood? You didn’t have to worry about things like a career, bills, or what you’re cooking your family for dinner. Some people miss the thrill of riding their bikes or scooters down the street as the wind hits them in the face…not a care in the world. Don’t you wish …
Read moreA Cleaner Way to Craft

Coloring Easter eggs is a popular family tradition that has been passed down for generations. No matter what, it’s always a competition to see who can create the perfectly dyed egg and every child knows when they see the newspaper laid out, the cups full of dye, and the little wire egg holders, it’s game …
Read moreFry Wall –Protect Your Kitchen

Whether you’re a culinary chef ready to create your next masterpiece or an average Joe looking to make yourself some breakfast, it’s safe to say that we all face similar problems when cooking on a stove top. Sizzling bacon, oily vegetables, fried chicken, bubbling doughnuts…what do they all have in common? It won’t take long …
Read moreSqueeky Knees – Distraction leads to Discovery

It’s an exciting moment in every parent’s life when their child begins to crawl. But it’s only a matter of time before this milestone becomes a frightening realization that your child can begin to get into things they aren’t supposed to. How can you keep track of a baby who is just beginning to discover …
Read moreScorkl – A New Way to Snorkel

Since the creation of the air pump in 1771, people have enjoyed deep-water exploration and scuba diving as both a hobby and as a profession. It allowed divers to submerge to depths never before imagined. Along with the creation of scuba diving came snorkeling. Snorkeling provides divers with an easier and more light-weight alternative to …
Read moreSlicer – A New Way to Sled

Sled riding is a fun activity for children and adults alike to enjoy when the weather is right and the snow is falling. The only necessity is snow…until now. One inventor, Scott Ireland, wanted to find a way for us to enjoy sledding, even if it was 70 degrees and sunny out. Ireland realized that …
Read moreInventing Kevlar

Stephanie Kowlek had an interest in science ever since she was a young girl. Growing up in the 1930’s, she was dissuaded from pursuing a career in a male-dominated profession, but that didn’t stop her. At age 23, Kowlek graduated with a degree in chemistry from Carnegie College (currently named Carnegie Mellon University). She was …
Read moreDavison Designed Bench Featured on the Today Show

Place yourself in the shoes of a coach for your child’s sports team. The score is tied and you have possession of the ball; a timeout is called with just seconds left in the game. You sit your players down on the bench, thinking they’re paying attention to everything you’re saying. The timeout is over, …
Read moreNew Flight Tech Leads to Faster Trips

How many times have you dreaded taking a redeye flight across the country? Or even taking a two-hour flight between states? Supersonic flight isn’t something only achievable by the military or fictional characters in Star Wars movies. Imagine being able to fly across the country in just under three hours. Boom, a leading manufacturer of …
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