Monday’s Motivation: Positive Client Feedback

Mondays are meant for motivation and today, we’re giving you a glimpse into what keeps us motivated to provide our clients with the best service possible. There’s no doubt that all of our clients’ feedback over the years has been extremely valuable. Whether we receive suggestions, comments or even ideas on how to improve our …
Read moreYou’ll Want to Sit Down for This…

In previous blogs, we talked about the idea of failing forward and not letting failure derail your progress. Our very own founder and CEO George Davison is a testament to this notion as he stayed persistent after the failed invention of his toothbrush sanitizer idea. Though failure could have stopped him in his tracks, he …
Read moreNational Inventors Month: Client Spotlight

May is National Inventors Month and in the spirit of this month-long celebration, we’ve already covered the likes of some of the most famous inventors in history and the original piano man, Bartolomeo Cristofori! Today, we’re bringing this blog closer to home and putting the spotlight on our Davison clients, who are taking the first …
Read morePushPan Brownie Pan will be on QVC – Today!

We have some very exciting news to share with you! Our very own Davison-licensed product, the PushPan Brownie Pan, will be featured on QVC’s “Kitchen Unlimited with Carolyn” today between 12 and 1 p.m. EST! Though this isn’t the first Davison-licensed product that will be broadcast on millions of television screens across the country, it’s …
Read moreWhat Are Our Clients Saying?

As a company that’s committed to helping innovative people take their ideas and turn their dreams into reality, we’re always looking for better ways to help our clients. What has proven to be one of the most valuable means to better serve our clients is the feedback that we receive from the people who have …
Read more“Empowering us all”

True to Microsoft’s latest tagline, “Empowering us all,” this company – since it was started on April 4th, 1975, 41 years ago to be exact – has been empowering idea people from all corners of the earth with its technology. The company got its start thanks to Bill Gates and Paul Allen, two childhood friends …
Read moreApp Ideas From Clients Go Through the Davison Inventing Method & Onto the App Store

In case you missed it, Davison recently evolved our development services by bringing the design and creation of app ideas to an exciting new level. Now, idea people are being encouraged to not only safely submit their tangible invention ideas, but their new mobile app ideas as well! In a previous blog, we featured two …
Read moreInventor Spotlight: The Innovative Women of Davison

As Women’s History Month is quickly coming to a close, we wanted to end this month-long celebration by putting a spotlight on some of the innovative women who’ve found a Better Way to bring their new product ideas to life with Davison. So, let’s get right to it and introduce you to some of our …
Read morePositively Happy Client Feedback

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been sharing with you some positive feedback that we’ve received from our happy clients. Today, we’re doing the same and sharing with you five more comments from idea people who have taken the necessary steps to start their invention journey with Davison! Though simple in nature, these comments …
Read moreThere’s an App for That

Did you know that there’s an app for that? A Davison app that is! Recently, Davison has evolved its app development service, bringing the design and creation of new app ideas to an exciting new level! Idea people have always been encouraged to safely submit their invention ideas to Davison in hopes of helping them …
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