A Better Understanding of the Product Development Process

Each New Year brings opportunity for our professional team at Davison to work with a diverse group of clients who all share at least one thing in common – they are all idea people. As we begin working with each client and continue them on their inventing journey, we send them a Pre-Development Portfolio for …
Read moreA Positive Product Development Experience

The New Year 2017 has kicked-off with a tremendous start as idea people from all over reach out to our professional team at Davison to help move their invention ideas forward. As each new client inventor begins their inventing journey, we send them a Pre-Development Portfolio for review so they can provide feedback on their …
Read moreEnding the Year on a Positive Note

As we reach the end of 2016, we reflect on another great year of helping fellow inventors move their ideas forward. As a client inventor continues on their inventing journey, we send them a Pre-Development Portfolio for review so they can provide feedback on their experience. The feedback we receive from clients is strong motivation …
Read moreClient Reactions to a Professional Team

Thanksgiving may have come and gone as we continue closer to more upcoming holidays, but at Davison, we’re thankful for our clients every day. Each and every client we work with has placed their trust in us as a team of professionals that can help move their invention idea forward. While we are thankful for …
Read moreThese Clients Had Something to Say About Davison

Client feedback is what helps us grow as a company. When a person decides to work with Davison, we send them a Pre-Development Portfolio to review and provide some feedback about their journey so far. When we receive these responses, we take the time to review and assess exactly what our clients have to say …
Read moreThe Davison Connection to the Color TV

At the end of June, we published a blog post that covered the dawn of color TVs. In this blog, we talked about the very first commercial TV program that was broadcast in color by CBS more than 64 years ago. Today, we’re sharing our founder’s connection to one of the key inventors of color …
Read moreThis Inventor is the Original ‘Piano Man’

May is National Inventors Month! This month-long celebration promotes the inventors whose ideas have served as real contributions in the world. When you think about inventors, names like George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell might come to mind. But in today’s blog, in honor of this inventors 361st birthday, we’re …
Read moreThese Famous Idea People Failed Their Way Forward

In Monday’s blog, we introduced the idea of failing your way forward. We showed you how failure isn’t the end. In fact, failure is just the beginning. After sharing our founder and CEO George Davison’s story of failing forward, we were intrigued and did some investigating of our own to uncover other prominent inventors …
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