3D Printing is Paving Way for New Efficiencies!
It’s safe to say the world of 3D printing has been quickly evolving. As technology advances; the impossible all of a sudden becomes possible. However, who would have thought that these groundbreaking technological advancements could have brought us to the point where we are able to successfully 3D print a house? Let’s backtrack; in 1986, …
Read moreThe Surfboard has been reinvented!
Not much innovation has come to the surfboard since it was first invented in 1962. How can you innovate a piece of wood and Styrofoam anyway? Well, the team at Jet Surf found a way. Their name says it all, yes ladies and gentlemen they successfully reinvented the surfboard but with a twist, it has …
Read moreHoverboards Are Almost on the Market!
When most people hear “hoverboards” the first thing that usually pops into their mind are the two-wheeled, balance boards that have recently been every child’s dream gift. However, we’re not talking about those – instead, we are talking about real-life personal flight machines! That’s right! The world of personal aircraft may be closer than we …
Read moreForgotten Ideas Brought Back to Life!
Can you imagine getting a long awaited phone call out of the blue telling you that your idea has sparked the interest of a company? You then find out from Davison’s Licensing Department that they are making an offer to license your product ! That’s right…Davison tries longer! Even when our contracts expire with our …
Read moreMore and More Product Licenses!
Recently, Founder and CEO Mr. George Davison was presented with seven new product license agreements for products that are healthcare related! This is a huge milestone for Davison considering we are trying to extend our product reach into different industries including healthcare. Due to the recent involvement with a large healthcare corporation, Davison has been …
Read moreThursday Thoughts from Great Inventors & Innovators
All inventors and innovators share two key characteristics – creativity and persistence. In order to better understand others and ourselves as inventors, we must take a closer look at what these things really mean. Creativity – the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Persistence – firm …
Read morePower of Observation Leads to Innovation
Innovation is a natural phenomenon that occurs over time. Think of things you see and use in your daily life that have evolved by leaps and bounds over time thanks to major innovations and improvements – wheels, telecommunication, computers, gaming and more. It’s when we open our eyes and open our minds to the nature …
Read moreHow-To: Inventing Basics Every Inventor Should Know
Inventing is not an easy process. It takes motivation and dedication to move your invention forward. Founder George Davison has identified three key fundamentals of inventing. Let these ideals motivate you to push forward towards your goals. A desire to do good by improving things. In a previous blog post, we talked about the importance …
Read moreStart your Journey with the Decision to Try
Every day, we are faced with a multitude of decisions. From the simplest, like what shoes you’ll wear that day, to the more difficult decisions, like deciding if today is the day that you’ll take the steps to chase after your dreams. As the clock ticks on, we are constantly uncovering answers to questions. Deciding …
Read moreThe Importance of Desire when Pursuing an Idea
You have a goal in mind. You dream about it. It’s a nagging thought. It’s always on the top of your mind. It’s a constant; but, can it become a reality? We all have dreams and aspirations; however, it takes desire to turn them into reality. As the popular saying from Eric Thomas goes, “When you …
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