Pet Retailers Go Wild for Davison Designs at Vegas SuperZoo

Well, as the saying goes, what happens in Vegas, stays… on the Davison Blog! OK, maybe that’s not how the saying goes; but, it is the case for this year’s SuperZoo pet industry trade show, which was held September 11-13th. ”Sin City” welcomed our Vice President of Business Development and Licensing, Dan Simbeck, along with …
Read moreInventor of Hydro Bone Praises Cast of ‘Dare to Invent’

Every now and again we receive correspondence from some of our clients, which is always a great thing. They are usually checking in on their products, asking some questions or simply dropping a line to give us a nice pat on the back. And what a pat on the back this email from Diane DiRaimo, …
Read moreTails are Wagging for Hugs Pet Products!

Hydro toys quench Hotlanta’s thirst for innovative pet toys Davison’s Hydro toys were featured on Atlanta’s CBS “Better Mornings,” hosted by Jennifer Valdez. Jennifer welcomed international pet expert Charlotte Reed – a corporate lawyer who has grown her pet company from a one-woman operation to a premier, full-service pet care provider – to talk about …
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