United States

A Brief History of Patents

A Brief History of Patents

Patents provide important protection to a successful idea, but few people know how complicated the process of obtaining one can be. The US patent system has a long and complicated history. Or at least it was a complicated, until now, thanks to our crash course in the history of patents in the United States. Before …

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The History of the Roller Coaster

The History of the Roller Coaster

We have all been there one time or another; you are safely buckled into your seat as you slowly start to climb what seems to be a never ending incline only to drop at fast rate of speed through dips, twists and turns. People all around the world have been enjoying the thrills of roller …

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The History of Patents

The History of Patents

When you talk about inventions, you’ll often talk about patents, too. But, what exactly is a patent? It is a property right for an invention that is given by the government to an inventor.  A U.S. patent gives an inventor the right to “exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling their invention …

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