
How (and Why) to Improve Your Sketches

How (and Why) to Improve Your Sketches

Inventors have a large toolbox filled with different skills and talents, and sketching should be somewhere in the mix. Making quality sketches is a talent, and it’s a talent that all inventors should work on. If the rough drafts of your new product or idea don’t impress, it’s that much harder to get funding or …

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What To Do If You Can’t Draw

What To Do If You Can’t Draw

You’ve tried everything to create a visual representation of your invention to no avail. Any attempts at sketching even the roughest draft have failed miserably. Or perhaps you have a disability preventing you from being able to draw. Regardless of the reasoning, what can you do? You simply can’t draw. If you or anyone you …

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The Best Apps for Sketching

The Best Apps for Sketching

Most of the time, if you want to sketch, you just grab a sheet of paper and a pencil and go to town. But for scientific projects and digital artists, you might need something a bit more electronic. These are our picks for the best ways to draw on your PC or tablet. AUTODESK SKETCHBOOK …

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Invention Spotlight: The Pen & Pencil

Invention Spotlight: The Pen & Pencil

Writing and drawing tools are considered some of mankind’s greatest inventions. They have allowed the recording and conveying of thoughts, feelings, ideas – and grocery lists – for thousands of years. They are the very reason we know the history of us. Pencils and pens have given everyone in this world quick, easy and affordable …

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