‘Savvy’ Blogger Touts AWAY as Beneficial Bug Blaster

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There’s a reason we call them “bugs” and “pests.” Insects make many people uncomfortable. With their itch-inducing bites, disease-spreading ability and overall unpleasant appearance, we often try anything to keep these little nasties at bay. But for many people, repellents that include harsh chemicals simply are not an option.

savvy sister away reviewLike Philip Boxwell, who created AWAY after deciding to find a better way to repel pests when a golf course bug encounter sent him to the emergency room, The Savvy Sister – a registered nurse and blogger — has been looking for simple ways to make positive impacts on her health after her fight against cancer.

In a recent post, The Savvy Sister, who lives on a heavily wooded lot and by her own admission “refuses to use DEET products because of health issues and because I know there is something better and healthier out there,” recently wrote a blog about her experience with AWAY.

away packaging design“I chose these little pouches,” Savvy says of AWAY. “The pouches look like tea bags but are filled with stuff like lemongrass, cinnamon, citronella, rosemary and castor oil. I found they worked great when I attached one to my upper body (like where you would put a name tag…Hi My name is Leavemealone) and one to my hip on my belt loop. They did a great job of keeping me bug-free while I worked outside in my mosquito-infested yard.”

The Inventionland Creationeers helped develop new product samples and the AWAY brand, as well as the packaging and POP displays.

Congratulations to Davison and AWAY for bringing effective, healthful solutions to the masses, as well as those who need them the most.