Davison Products Stacked to the Ceiling!

The Helping Hands line that we created for Faucet Queen is currently being tested in three Bed, Bath & Beyond stores — in Virginia, Florida and Iowa!

As you can see, the product is stacked from floor to ceiling. We developed 9 items for the line, including the Inshield Wiper, which is also a client project. The Bucket Bench soon will be added to the line after it undergoes some final tweaks of hardware. The creative coach of special operations was very happy to see the products in the store.

“It’s extremely exciting,” said the coach, also lead designer of the line. Bed Bath & Beyond is going to see how the initial purchase order sells before placing any more, he said.

One thing is for certain, the innovative and handy car cleaning items are sure to catch the eyes and interest of many car owners in Iowa, Florida and Virginia!

Congratulations to all who worked on the line — Check out some great photos of the display!