Copyright, Patent, and Trademark: What’s the Difference?

If you’ve ever used the terms patent, copyright, and trademark interchangeably, you’re not alone. The difference between the three can sometimes feel negligible at best. Instead of mistaking definitions, however, here’s a brief overview of each term and how they apply to the confusing world of intellectual property. NOTE: While this is a general guide …
Read moreThe Importance of Desire when Pursuing an Idea

You have a goal in mind. You dream about it. It’s a nagging thought. It’s always on the top of your mind. It’s a constant; but, can it become a reality? We all have dreams and aspirations; however, it takes desire to turn them into reality. As the popular saying from Eric Thomas goes, “When you …
Read moreExcuses, Excuses, Excuses… There’s NO Reason to NOT Innovate!

With the recent release of Apple’s latest version of the iPhone and all the other recent technological advancements, it is obvious, innovation is king! So, how could someone have an excuse for not at least trying to be innovative? We found 100 lame excuses that people give to NOT innovate! We’ve picked 15, but you …
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