Students Pack Inventionland for 2014 WQED Invention Convention!

What does it look like when a couple hundred middle school students take over our creative work space for a day full of inventing fun? We found out exactly what that looked like last Friday, April 4th, when Inventionland hosted the 2014 WQED Design Lives Here Invention Convention! Students in grade sixth through eighth from …
Read moreThe Noble Rube Goldberg Machine… From Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky

Here at Davison, we’ve designed a lot of inventions over the years that solve a wide variety of problems, usually in the simplest or most efficient way possible. Sometimes, however, the most exciting, funny or engaging way to solve the simplest problem is the most complicated. You may be asking yourself, “What is he talking …
Read moreMore Than Meets the Eye… From Creationeer Extraordinare, Lucky!

Today’s news is coming straight from one of our very own creationeers, Lucky! A couple weeks ago, we featured Lucky’s top five apps for inventors. Now, he’s back, with his perspective on innovative product design! From Lucky’s mind… to you! Imagine having a product that you use [as] an infant, a child, a teen and …
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