12. Page: Dare to Invent® Episodes

Dare to Invent® is a video series produced by Davison and featured on the Lifetime Channel show, “The Balancing Act.” It is the first time that anyone has ever captured an inventor’s experience from the genesis of an idea to it being brought to market. Each segment shows what can happen when everyday people with …
Read more13. Blog: Davison’s Top 5 Holiday Helpers

Top 5 Must-Have Products For The Holiday Season! For many of us, the holidays can be the most stressful time of year. This is why we decided to put together our top 5 products to help you through the holiday season! So, whether you’re preparing for what can feel like an endless number of people …
Read more14. Blog: Drain Wig: Clean Drains in Seconds

As parents to five daughters, Jennifer and Gifford Briggs were no strangers to long hair clogging their shower drains. Not only does this pose a drainage issue, but it’s also at the bottom of every household’s to-do list. Nobody wants to get down on their hands and knees to clean a drain full of …
Read more15. Blog: 10 Inventions That Make Spring Cleaning a Whole Lot Easier

Spring truly has sprung and along with this bright and colorful season comes everyone’s favorite thing: spring cleaning. Well, maybe it’s not the most beloved tradition of the season, but it is nice to start the most life-giving season with an equally life-giving home scrubbing. Tackling your entire home armed with a vacuum and a …
Read more16. Blog: 2014’s Latest Innovative Car Inventions

The wheels are always turning in the minds of car innovators each year. Each car company wants to change the pace of the game and come out with the best and most innovative inventions for their vehicles. With innovation and technology at the core of their invention efforts each year, car owners and auto-enthusiasts alike …
Read more17. Blog: Green is the New Black

We see it everywhere; people and companies alike are committing themselves to going green and doing better for the environment. So, we wanted this blog to focus on those companies that have been working hard to create packaging designs that are just that, environmentally friendly. We are going take a look at how some well-known …
Read more18. Blog: Robots Doing the Work

Vacuuming, cleaning the windows and mowing the lawn; these are just a few of the household chores that most of us don’t enjoy. Luckily, companies are now inventing robots that will perform these mundane tasks to allow more time for the things that we do enjoy. Roomba– From the moment the user presses the “clean” …
Read more19. Blog: History Tuesday: The Car Wash

Since April is National Car Care Month, we would be completely remiss if we didn’t honor an American institution: the car wash. As the weather gets nicer every day, and we Spring clean our house and care for our lawns; it’s only natural that we want to give our ride a spiffy wash and wax, …
Read more20. Blog: Inventor Monday: Wallace Hume Carothers

Some scientists and inventors are household names—such as Edison and Graham Bell. However, there are plenty of brilliant inventors that are not well known, despite developing critical things we use every day. Wallace Hume Carothers is such a man. Carothers was a brilliant inventor and scholar who held more than fifty patents. He is considered …
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