Pugz Harness
A Better Way To Walk Your Dog
The Problem:
Most dog harnesses are made only of thin, poorly fitting nylon straps that can rub and irritate an excited dog during daily walks. Additional discomfort comes from harnesses that don’t provide the necessary warmth in wintry weather. And let’s face it, many of these unseemly straps do not look very comfortable for your best friend.
Davison's Better Way:
We created the Pugz Harness for a client who wanted both comfort and fashion to accompany them on their daily walks. The adjustable harness provides the perfect fit, giving you control over your dog. The breathable faux suede and fleece provide warmth in the winter and breathability in the summer. Whether he’s Rex in the city or a suburban commando, this attractive harness (small, medium and large) will have him leading the pack in style.
Featured in the following stores:

- Petco
- Bed Bath & Beyond
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.