Licensed Products

Wash Paddle

A Better Way To Wash Cars

Davison Produced Product Invention: Wash Paddle

The Problem:

Washing a vehicle can be a difficult and tiresome chore. Sponges can be messy and ineffective, and they require the user to stretch and strain to wash hard-to-reach areas, such as the roof and hood. It also can be difficult to clean corners and cracks on a vehicle’s surface with an ordinary sponge.

Davison's Better Way:

We created the Helping Hand Wash Paddle to make it easy to clean hard-to-reach spots on a vehicle. The tool has an absorbent chenille head that contains a sponge that soaks up water, giving it added weight to clean with less effort. The chenille micro fiber cloth cleans thoroughly, while the handle enables the user’s hand to stay dry. The tool can be used with the Helping Hand Extension Pole to easily reach all areas, even on a truck or SUV.

Featured in the following stores:

  • Faucet Queen
  • Bed Bath & Beyond (Currently being tested in select locations.)

This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.